
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fruit and vegetable servings the right way

1 serving is
apple 4" in diameter 

Between breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks do you believe that you get 5-9 servings in a day.

In the last few blogs we have discussed portioning and servings sizes of fruits and vegetables.

These topics have the potential to confuse many.  Lets clear things up.

"Portioning your plate the right way" - in this blog I suggested you portion at least 1/2 your plate with produce.
"Fiber the right way" -this blog mentioned that 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables is the USDA's recommended intake per day.  This is because research suggests that maximizing fruit and vegetable intake will prevent against chronic diseases and co-morbidity's.

Lets put this into perspective:
In general 1 serving size of fruits and vegetables is a 1/2 cup 
Chopped ect.
also considered 1 serving is
4 oz of fruit or vegetable juice

1 serving is considered to be

apple 4" in diameter 
1/2 and orange or grapefruit

7 baby carrots
1/2 a pepper or cucumber

With this in mind think of your day.  Between breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks do you believe that you get 5-9 servings in a day.  The answer should be yes.  Considering that by portioning your plate "the right way" you will consume at least 3-5 servings of vegetables at dinner alone.

If you do not feel as though you consume 5-9 servings per day, then try to consume at least one more 1/2 cup serving per day.

1. Vary your vegetables and consume the "colors of the rainbow".
2. consuming raw or frozen fruits and vegetables will generally have more fiber and less calories then dried fruits and vegetables or juices.

Until the next blog "eat enough fruits and vegetables the right way".  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are so helpful! ... I am suprised that only 7 baby carrots is a whole serving.. usually I eat half a bag. I saw the Vitamin A post though.. I will be careful :)