
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Portion your plate the right way

Portion control can be easy once you get the hang of it.  So go ahead, try it out, "portion your plate the right way".

When the USDA created the new food guide pyramid, simplicity and ease were not the first thing on their minds.  Colored triangles coming together in the shape of a pyramid, and a recommended number of servings to consume in a day is not self explanatory.  This tool may not be for everyone. 

If this model works for you then great, you are one step ahead, as for the rest of us, forget the pyramid for a while and lets work on your dinner plate.  

The "right way" to portion your plate is to have: 

1/2 vegetables/fruit -  Thats right half of your meal plate should be covered in produce.   Color is key, the more colors on your plate the more nutrients you will potentially consume.   Remember to always thoroughly wash all produce to remove any resin/bacteria.  

1/4 starch -  A fourth of the plate should consist of starchy foods.  For instance grains (rice), breads, pastas, or starchy vegetables such as potatoes.  Yes potatoes are a root vegetable but can also be considered a starch.  Whole grains may be a healthier choice for you, due to the high fiber content.   

1/4 protein - The remaining quarter of the plate goes to protein.  Yes only a forth of the plate should consist of protein.  Try to choose leaner cuts of meat such as pork, chicken, or turkey which are lower in fat especially the saturated fats which increase cholesterol and your risk for heart disease.  
(A typical serving of protein should weigh in between 3-4 ounces. )

Portion control can be easy once you get the hang of it.  So go ahead, try it out, "portion your plate the right way".

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