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Monday, May 24, 2010

Vitamin A the right way

Sweet potatoes are a great source of Vitamin A and delicious as fries, mashed and baked.
"Get your vitamin A the right way" consume brightly colored red, orange, yellow and green fruits and vegetables
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin which means it can be stored in the adipose tissue (fat cells) in the liver.
It is found in produce and  meat products
Carotene is the form of vitamin A found in fruits and vegetables;  dark green leafy vegetables, cantaloupe, carrots, apricots, produce that is bright yellow, orange, red and green.
Retinoid is the form of vitamin A found in meats; whole eggs, whole milks, and chickens.

Vitamin A is important for physiological functioning, it promotes vision, cellular health particularly in the skin gut lining and lungs, growth, fertility, immunity, and may prevent against lung, gut, and bladder cancers.

Although deficiency in vitamin A is uncommon in developed countries, like the United States,  it is the leading cause of preventable blindness.

Toxicity's  from vitamin A on the other hand could cause a problem.    Severe harmful toxicity's in developed countries are common in some self supplementing individuals.  (taking unsupervised supplements of vitamin A)
The symptoms include liver damage, muscle and joint pains, hair loss, and capillary damage.

In 2006 The New England Journal performed a study.  They isolated Vitamin A and supplemented individuals with an increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.  Needless to say this study was stopped early due to an increased death rate from cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Ever heard of "too much of a good thing"?

Bottom line do not self supplement vitamin A.  "Get your vitamin A the right way" consume brightly colored red, orange, yellow and green fruits and vegetables

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