
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vitamin K the right way continued

Steamed green beans an ample supply of Vitamin K

Overall healthy individuals should help their intestinal bacteria out. Get at least half your needed vitamin K the right way by consuming dark green vegetables.  
As noted yesterday 1/2 of the vitamin K our body gets is made by our intestinal bacteria.  Keeping these bacteria healthy to produce optimal vitamin K is the goal and can be done with pro and pre biotic foods. 

You can also get vitamin K from the foods you eat.  
Foods like 
Green beans
(basically the greener the vegetable the more vitamin K)
For proper blood clotting responses, and kidney and bone health it is recommended that men consume 120 ug/day and woman consume 90 ug/day of vitamin K.  This is equivalent to about 3/4 a cup of the vegetables listed above.  

Individuals on Coumadin/warfarin need to limit or consume a consistent amount of vitamin K per day.  

However, overall healthy individuals should help their intestinal bacteria out. Get at least half your needed vitamin K the right way by consuming dark green vegetables.  

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