
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Water the right way

Water is essential for life, but what is with all this hype about the chemical BPA.
Do your body a favor, make a conscience effort to "drink water the right way".

First off it seems to be true chemicals from plastic water bottles leak into the drinking water.  The culprit is BPA.  The U.S environmental protection agency has confirmed, through animal studies, that BPA is a reproductive, developmental, and systemic toxicant.  This information is frightening but it should not keep you away from drinking water.  There are other options.

-drinking from glass
-drinking from a paper cup or
-finding a water bottle BPA free

The average individual needs 8, 8oz glasses of water per day.  (not juice, not milk, not soda ... WATER!)

drinking the recommended amount of water per day could find you with these benefits.

- clear skin,  whether you have oily skin, dry skin, or a mix, drinking adequate water is an easy, cost efficient way to even out your skins nature.

- satiety, if you find yourself wanting to eat when you are not hungry, you may need to rehydrate.  The brain may often mix the sensation of thirst with a desire to eat.  A simple glass of water could potentially stop you from grazing on snacks that do not satisfy your craving.

- reduce lethargy,  when your body is hydrated it is ready when you are to do tasks to the best of your ability, by encouraging energy metabolism, and keeping your mood balanced.

Do your body a favor, make a conscience effort to "drink water the right way".

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