
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Terra Creta Olive oil


One of the best new products on the market.  This is Olive Oil from Crete in a spray bottle.

This product is unique and useful.  Each spray has only 1 calorie, allowing you to evenly mist your food.  Helping to control and limit fat intake.

Not only that, this little bottle will last you a long time it contains more then 800 sprays, potentially saving you money.

Healthy oils and fats in small quantities are essential for your health and well-being.  Olive oil is one of the HEALTHIEST oils to consume in your diet, consisting of monounsaturated fatty acids.
When replacing saturated fats in your diet with monounsaturated fats you will potentially reduce your cholesterol levels.

SUGGESTION: replace a pad of butter on toast with a mist of olive oil and a dash of salt.  (replace saturated fats with monounsaturated fat) for "eating toast the right way".


Anonymous said...

I got that olive oil as a gift and use it on my salads, I think I use so much less oil because it is a spray. I have never tried it on toast. But I will.

Eat the right way said...

Thanks for following.
I do believe you use less oil. Let me know how you like it on toast.
"eat the right way"