
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Promote intestinal bacteria health and get your vitamin K the right way

"Take care of the vitamin K producing bacteria in your intestinal tract the right way", avoid chronic antibiotics and make sure to eat enough pro and pre biotic containing foods per day.

Again just like with vitamin A there are two types of vitamin K.  
Vitamin K1 found in produce; cabbage, turnips, green beans, broccoli, leafy greens, etc.
Vitamin K2 a very interesting form.  It is found in animal products like fish, but most importantly it is  made by your very own "good bacteria" in your intestinal tract.  At least half of the vitamin K we need comes from what our intestinal bacteria produce.

Lets focus on vitamin K2 for today's blog.

Vitamin K is most commonly known for its vital roll in promoting blood clotting.
However, it is also important in bone and kidney health.

Vitamin K deficiencies are rare because of the intestinal bacteria's roll in making it.  However, you must take care of your "good bacteria" in order for them to create adequate amounts of vitamin K for you.

First avoid chronic (continuous) use of antibiotics.  These may be helpful in getting rid of unwanted bacteria, but they are impartial and will also destroy your much needed vitamin K producing bacteria.

Also consume PROBIOTIC and PREBIOTIC foods which promote growth of the good bacteria in your gut. 
Foods like; 
dairy products
honey (natural)
legums (dried beans)
and whole grain products like oatmeal.  
Aim to consume at least 3-5 servings of food which contain pre or pro biotics per day.
Until the next blog "eat the right way".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool, I am glad that I eat my Yummy greek yogurt most morning! I didnt know about Vitamin K. Thanks for posting this.