
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spinach and Mushrooms with a side of Shrimp and Rice

This dish is not only quick it is delicious and nutritious.  44 grams of protein, 50g of carbohydrates, only 10 grams of fat and less then 500 calories.

To the right, 3 cups of cooked spinach and mushrooms, and to the left a 1/2 cup of shrimp and a 1/2 cup of cooked rice.  Do the portions ring a bell?  These are the recommended plate portions from the May19th blog.

This meal was so easy to make and only took 20 minutes

1 bag of spinach (washed)
1 lb of frozen med shrimp
8 oz container of mushrooms ( washed and sliced)
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 TBS of parsley
1 TBS of minced garlic
1 TBS of olive oil
1 TBS soy sauce
1 cup of rice

Thaw shrimp by running them under cool water
Start cooking the rice
In a large skillet heat the olive oil add garlic and onion spinach and mushrooms
When the spinach cooks down push to edge of pan
Add shrimp and soy sauce
Cover and let simmer over medium to low heat for 5-8 minutes or until ready
Sprinkle the parsley over the finished rice for some color and added nutrients.

Serves 4

Enjoy, and until the next blog "eat the right way"


Anonymous said...

Hey Laura, I tried this receipe it was great. I dont like to cook fish to much but the shrimp was so easy. Thanks

Laura, Nutritionist said...

Great I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for following.

Until the next time eat the right way.