
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tip to eat the right way

Garlic may have a potent scent, but you should not let that hinder your consumption of it. 

Studies have shown that eating garlic in generous amounts has the potential to reduce serum cholesterol levels and prevent high blood pressure which lead to heart attack and stroke.

It is easy to increase your garlic intake by adding it to numerous dishes. 

-pasta sauce
-fish and steak
-toping to bread

So eat the right way, and eat garlic. 


Anonymous said...

Cool, Thanks for this post. Except that I don't really know how to prepare the garlic, how much to use or any good recipies... can you give some suggestions?

Laura, Nutritionist said...

Thanks for following, each week I will post a recipe, and will try to work garlic in often. It is so good for you.

In general use 1 clove minced and add it to anything.
Tomato sauces
Stir fry

Until the next time eat the right way.