
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Helpful way to take care of your skin the right way

Avocados provide extreme nourishment to the bodies cells both inside and out.

If you ever wondered what to do with the 1/2 of avocado left over from a previous meal try treating yourself to an avocado facial.

These fruits are packed with moisture which hydrates, smoothes, and evens your skin.

This special treat is natural and very easy to enjoy in your own home.
all you need is:
mashed and mixed with
milk and

First remove dirt, oil and make up from your face and neck, apply avocado mixture to the face and neck, and leave on for 10 minutes.
Wash thoroughly.

Next time your skin needs a pick-me-up, reach for the avocado for a "facial the right way".

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