
Welcome to Eat The Right Way a discussion on nutrition and food and how they pertain to your health.
The goal is to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Homemade Tomato and Pepper Salsa the right way

Delicious and nutritious, tomato and pepper salsa homemade in less then 5 minutes.

This dish of salsa is extremely easy to make and is made with all natural ingredients that you can pick from your own garden.

No preservatives
No artificial flavors
Just 100% natural

  1 medium tomato
        1/2 green pepper
        1/4 vidalia onion
        1 clove of garlic
        1 tsp of olive oil
        1 tsp of lime juice
        dash of salt and pepper

In a food chopper, food processor, or with a knife finely dice the tomato, pepper, onion and garlic.
Add the lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper
Toss well.
Makes 2 servings or 1 cup of salsa

In just 5 minutes you will have a light fabulous summer salsa.
With less then 10 calories and all the benefits from a full serving of vegetables in every half cup serving.

This salsa goes great with
Tortilla chips
Crackers and cheddar cheese
and so much more

Try it for yourself and "enjoy salsa the right way".


Anonymous said...

Cant wait to try this recipe! Thanks for showing us a way to use garlic.

mom said...

oh my gosh Laura, I had the salsa that you made yesterday with a scrambled egg for lunch....awesome. Keep making healthy good food

Laura, Nutritionist said...

Thanks for following, let me know how your salsa comes out and what you ate it with.